Enhancing Real Estate Investor Relations in a Digital Era
Investor management technology is not
replacing the need for in-person meetings, but it can be used to facilitate and
enhance investor relationships. Real estate sponsors are able to more
efficiently track their investors, follow up with them on a regular basis, and
provide personalized service that enhances long-term relationships.
Four Ways Real Estate Sponsors Can
Humanize the Real Estate Investor Experience in Today's "Digital
Document Storage for Real Estate"
Creating customized communications
The key to increasing investor engagement
and gaining a client's loyalty is customization. Many sponsors recognize the
importance of offering personalized messages. Finding the time to send
personalized communications to numerous investors for a variety of transactions
might be difficult. Furthermore, many sponsors find that balancing
individualization and automation to be a difficult task.
Fortunately, a CRM, such as IMS, enables
companies to automate investor emails and portal alerts rather than having to
manually notify each one. Important facts about each investor, such as asset
type preferences, regional preferences, and investment criteria, are listed
here, maybe retained through a CRM. These findings may then be utilized to
develop a more personalized approach for communicating with and engaging each
Using Information Technology to Give Transparency
Investors want to know if you're
communicating openly and honestly with them, so technology is an important
element of that. Sponsors are almost compelled to have frequent candid talks
with their investors in order to be completely transparent. It's critical to
check in at least once a quarter and maintain your profile up to date.
Financial statements are one way to increase your chances. The best way to
ensure that open sales stay at the top of the mind is to have an open
discussion about their success. Information sharing via an open exchange of
information not only reduces the time it takes to complete a transaction but
also helps investors establish trust in their sponsors.
Improving Communication Efficiency
People nowadays get a lot of emails,
texts, social media posts, and other forms of communication. In fact, the
average office worker receives about 121 emails each day. Many busy investors
are being flooded with messages from numerous digital channels. Sponsors should
make the communication process more efficient by utilizing a single medium for
all team members. Investors can now anticipate when, by whom, how, and where
they'll be contacted using this approach. They will also anticipate these
communications if they are delivered on a regular basis. Expectations that they
will be kept up to date on the company's activities increase investor
Concerns have arisen about the real
estate sector's transition to virtual options during the digital age. Although
many people believe that technology will never have the same influence as a
handshake, the facts say differently. The average person does not have a solid
understanding of digital marketing or social media, Businesses change in order
to compete in the digital economy, and they must do so by employing technology
as a competitive advantage.
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